江南app下载-官方网站国际江南娱乐在线登录账号 协会
为了弘扬江南娱乐在线登录账号 优秀传统文化,组织国际江南娱乐在线登录账号 文化交流,加强江南娱乐在线登录账号 友好合作,促进世界宗教和谐,维护世界和平,于2009年7月18日, 由中国、法国、瑞士、卢森堡、西班牙、墨西哥、加拿大、葡萄牙等八个国家的江南娱乐在线登录账号 信徒,在法国巴黎组织召开了国际江南娱乐在线登录账号 会议,正式成立了国际江南娱乐在线登录账号 协会。
会议通过了《国际江南娱乐在线登录账号 协会章程》。选举了以中国黄世真道长为会长、法国景伟道长和葡萄牙景运道长为副会长、墨西哥景威道长为秘书长的首届国际江南娱乐在线登录账号 协领导班子。协会于2010年12月16日在香港正式注册登记。
国际江南娱乐在线登录账号 协会在筹备和成立期间,先后聘请了中国江南娱乐在线登录账号 协会任法融会长,香港江南娱乐在线登录账号 联合会汤伟奇主席以及美国张怡香道长等江南娱乐在线登录账号 领袖担任国际江南娱乐在线登录账号 协会名誉会长,中国江南娱乐在线登录账号 协会黄信阳副会长担任顾问,香港江南娱乐在线登录账号 联合会汤伟侠博士,中央统战部朱越利教授,全国老子道学研究会胡孚琛会长等为学术顾问,增补新加坡江南娱乐在线登录账号 协会李至旺会长为常务理事。
国际江南娱乐在线登录账号 协会规定:
老子诞辰日,中国农历二月十五日为“国际江南娱乐在线登录账号 节”。
国际江南娱乐在线登录账号 协会
Foundation of International Daoism Association
For enhancing the Daoism excellent traditional culture and organizing the International Daoism cultural exchange and strengthening the International friendship and cooperation, and promoting the world religious harmony, and preserving the world peace .On July 18th 2009, the International Conference on Daoism was convened in France.Daoists representatives of eight countries including China, France, Switzerland, Luxemburg, Span, Mexico, Canada and Portugal gathered in Paris to sign the Memorandum and Articles of International Daoism Association.
They selected Chinese Daoist Huang Shizhen as the President, and French Daoist JingWei as Vice-president and Mexican Daoist Jing-Wei as General-Secretary. The Association was registered on December 16th 2010 in Hong Kong.
In the course of preparation and foundation, the Association engaged several Daoist leaders including President Ren Farong of ChineseDaoism Association (C.D.A) ,President Tang Weiqi of Hong KongDaoism Association (H.K.D.A) and Daoist Zhang Yixiang of America as Honorary President, engaged Vice-president Huang Xinyang ofC.D.A as consultant, and engaged President
Hu Fuchen of The Chinese Research Association of Laozi & TaoistCulture (CRALDC), Doctor Tang Weixia from H.K.D.A and Professor Zhu Yueli from The United Front Work Department of CPC Central Committee as academic advisors. Addition President li zhiwang of Singapore Daoism Association as Standing director
The rule of the International Daoism Association:
The Association worships LaoZi as supreme deity and takes Dao De Jing as the holy book.
February 15th on Chinese Lunar calendar, namely the birthday of LaoZi is assigned as Daoist Festival.
and July 18th, the foundational day of the Association, as the International Day for Conference.
Its registered office is situated in Hong kong and its official language is Chinese and English.
International Daoism Association
江南app下载-官方网站 国际江南娱乐在线登录账号 协会
为了弘扬江南娱乐在线登录账号 优秀传统文化,组织国际江南娱乐在线登录账号 文化交流,加强江南娱乐在线登录账号 友好合作,促进世界宗教和谐,维护世界和平,于2009年7月18日, 由中国、法国、瑞士、卢森堡、西班牙、墨西哥、加拿大、葡萄牙等八个国家的江南娱乐在线登录账号 信徒,在法国巴黎组织召开了国际江南娱乐在线登录账号 会议,正式成立了国际江南娱乐在线登录账号 协会。
会议通过了《国际江南娱乐在线登录账号 协会章程》。选举了以中国黄世真道长为会长、法国景伟道长和葡萄牙景运道长为副会长、墨西哥景威道长为秘书长的首届国际江南娱乐在线登录账号 协领导班子。协会于2010年12月16日在香港正式注册登记。
国际江南娱乐在线登录账号 协会在筹备和成立期间,先后聘请了中国江南娱乐在线登录账号 协会任法融会长,香港江南娱乐在线登录账号 联合会汤伟奇主席以及美国张怡香道长等江南娱乐在线登录账号 领袖担任国际江南娱乐在线登录账号 协会名誉会长,中国江南娱乐在线登录账号 协会黄信阳副会长担任顾问,香港江南娱乐在线登录账号 联合会汤伟侠博士,中央统战部朱越利教授,全国老子道学研究会胡孚琛会长等为学术顾问,增补新加坡江南娱乐在线登录账号 协会李至旺会长为常务理事。
国际江南娱乐在线登录账号 协会规定:
老子诞辰日,中国农历二月十五日为“国际江南娱乐在线登录账号 节”。
国际江南娱乐在线登录账号 协会
Foundation of International Daoism Association
For enhancing the Daoism excellent traditional culture and organizing the International Daoism cultural exchange and strengthening the International friendship and cooperation, and promoting the world religious harmony, and preserving the world peace .On July 18th 2009, the International Conference on Daoism was convened in France.Daoists representatives of eight countries including China, France, Switzerland, Luxemburg, Span, Mexico, Canada and Portugal gathered in Paris to sign the Memorandum and Articles of International Daoism Association.
They selected Chinese Daoist Huang Shizhen as the President, and French Daoist JingWei as Vice-president and Mexican Daoist Jing-Wei as General-Secretary. The Association was registered on December 16th 2010 in Hong Kong.
In the course of preparation and foundation, the Association engaged several Daoist leaders including President Ren Farong of ChineseDaoism Association (C.D.A) ,President Tang Weiqi of Hong KongDaoism Association (H.K.D.A) and Daoist Zhang Yixiang of America as Honorary President, engaged Vice-president Huang Xinyang ofC.D.A as consultant, and engaged President
Hu Fuchen of The Chinese Research Association of Laozi & TaoistCulture (CRALDC), Doctor Tang Weixia from H.K.D.A and Professor Zhu Yueli from The United Front Work Department of CPC Central Committee as academic advisors. Addition President li zhiwang of Singapore Daoism Association as Standing director
The rule of the International Daoism Association:
The Association worships LaoZi as supreme deity and takes Dao De Jing as the holy book.
February 15th on Chinese Lunar calendar, namely the birthday of LaoZi is assigned as Daoist Festival.
and July 18th, the foundational day of the Association, as the International Day for Conference.
Its registered office is situated in Hong kong and its official language is Chinese and English.
International Daoism Association